Image of the Month - IOTM

IOTM: Branch Retinal Artery Occlusion

Image of the Month (IOTM) is a collection of interesting clinical cases with high quality images for all relevant imaging modalities (ex: color fundus, OCT, OCTA, FAF, FA, En Face, Red-free, choroidal vasculography (CVG), anterior imaging) and other clinical results if relevant (ex: visual field plots). Each case is submitted by an eye care professional using one of Topcon’s industry-leading OCT devices.

Case background

This 52 year-old patient presented with a sudden central visual field defect in the right eye for two days. Visual acuity, intraocular pressure and anterior segment were unremarkable. Visual field testing revealed a horizontal circumscribed defect from the optic nerve, beyond the macula, inferior to the fovea. (Image A) Fundus photography demonstrated an occlusion of a cilioretinal artery (branch retinal artery occlusion). (Image B) The horizontal SS-OCT (Image C) and vertical SS-OCT (Image D) through the branch retinal artery occlusion clearly demonstrate retinal ischemia.
— Robert Kromer, MD

Diagnosis: Branch Retinal Artery Occlusion

Captured with: Topcon DRI OCT Triton Swept-Source

DRI OCT Triton Images:
A. Visual Field Image
B. True Color Fundus Image
C. Horizontal Swept Source OCT Image
D. Vertical Swept Source OCT Image
E. Red-free Image

Slide A
Slide B
Slide C
Slide D
Slide E
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