Topcon Healthcare to Introduce TEMPO™ Perimeter at AAO 2023
Novel Device Enhances Patient Comfort while Performing 39% Faster than the Gold Standard in Automated Perimetry¹
OAKLAND, NJ, NOVEMBER 1, 2023 – Topcon Healthcare, a leading provider of medical devices and software solutions including advanced multi-modal imaging, vendor-inclusive data management, and ground-breaking remote diagnostic technology for the global eye care community, announced today that it will launch the new TEMPO Perimeter at the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) meeting in San Francisco, CA.

TEMPO provides fast, accurate, and comfortable visual field testing. In fact, it is 39% faster than Standard Automated Perimetry (SAP)¹ in clinical testing and functions in ambient light. Performance is equivalent to the gold standard with excellent repeatability.²
The TEMPO’s novel, binocular approach makes testing faster and more fluid for patients, which results in effective testing from screening through advanced glaucoma – without compromising accuracy. TEMPO reduces fatigue for patients and operators alike.
“TEMPO accelerates the visual field experience, with quality results delivered with deliberation,” states Greg Hoffmeyer, Product Marketing Director – Glaucoma. “TEMPO is just one of many Topcon products engineered to perform this way – answering the workflow needs of modern eye care.”
TEMPO has a random binocular feature which “can test the right and left eyes separately, but also can randomly present the test object to either eye in a nonocclusion manner without the examinee being aware of which eye is being tested” (Nishida et al., 2022, p. 86). Because patients “do not recognize in which eye the stimulus is presented, it has been reported that this test method may be useful in the evaluation of functional VF loss, such as malingering or psychological disorders, which have been challenging to evaluate objectively” (Nishida et al., 2022, p. 91).¹
TEMPO can be connected to Topcon’s Harmony® image and data management solution, allowing you to view your OCT, fundus photography, and perimetry data on a single screen. Harmony’s DICOM Modality Worklist functionality eliminates redundant patient data entry, transcription errors, and duplicates.
To learn more, stop by AAO Booth #5639 for a live demo, join Topcon for the unveiling ceremony on Saturday, Nov. 4th, or visit
“Test results are reliable and repeatable with less patient chair time. Testing both eyes simultaneously offers clinical efficiency and enhanced comfort with a notable patient preference over bowl perimetry.”
Takashi Nishida, MD, PhD
Shiley Eye Center
UC San Diego
About Topcon Healthcare
Our vision is to empower providers with smart and efficient technologies for enhanced patient care. A globally oriented business, Topcon is focused on developing solutions towards solving societal challenges in the mega-domains of healthcare, agriculture, and infrastructure. In healthcare, these challenges include increasing eye disease, rising medical costs, access to healthcare, and physician shortages. By investing in value-driven innovations, Topcon works to enable people to enjoy good health and a high quality of life.
Topcon appreciates the contributions from our partners. At times, an honorarium is provided.
1. Nishida T, Eslani M, Weinreb RN, Arias J, Vasile C, Mohammadzadeh V, Moghimi S. Perimetric Comparison Between the IMOvifa (TEMPO) and Humphrey Field Analyzer. J Glaucoma. 2023 Feb 1;32(2):85-92. doi: 10.1097/IJG.0000000000002134. Epub 2022 Oct 7. PMID: 36223309.
2. M Tafreshi, J Menou, D Kasanoff, M Durbin, NW El-Nimri, K Cieslinski; Repeatability of visual fields taken with the IMOvifa (TEMPO) perimeter. Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. 2023;64(8):5505.